181 Dorcy Drive      PO BOX 10106      George Town      Grand Cayman      KY1-1001
Tel: +1 345 945-3876

Electric Vehicle Maintenance/Repair

 CLOSED TODAY  |   Call us Monday at: 345 945-3876

EV Trained and Certified

The vast differences that Electric Vehicles (‘EV”) have over conventional vehicles, means maintenance and servicing requirements also differ. The good news is there is usually less that can go wrong with an EV.

At TRAC, several of our technicians are EV trained and certified. We have been undertaking maintenance and servicing of EVs for the past few years for brands such as Tesla, Maserati, Ferrari, Nissan, Land Rover, Jaguar, Volvo and Renault. Whether your vehicle is a full EV, Hybrid or mild hybrid, we can assist you.

Electric motors have few components in comparison to conventional engines. EVs do however have complex electrical components, including:

  • High voltage relay banks
  • AC pumps
  • Power steering motors

Like conventional vehicles, EVs have brakes, tires, and wipers that all require regular maintenance and servicing. EVs also use coolant to stop the battery from overheating so flushing or topping up is a typical requirement that, depending on the brand and manufacturer requirement, needs regular attention. Please give us a call if you have any questions, need advice or attention about your EV.

EVs represent a level of danger that differs from conventional vehicles, due to the life threatening high voltage of their batteries. It takes specific knowledge and training to safely navigate under the hood of an EV. Please take the time to read your owner’s manual to alert you on how to avoid these dangers.

Please give us a call if you have any questions, need advice or attention about your EV.

Contact Service

Please don't hesitate to direct your service questions to us! Fill out the simple form below and our technicians will get back to you.