181 Dorcy Drive      PO BOX 10106      George Town      Grand Cayman      KY1-1001
Tel: +1 345 945-3876

Scheduled Maintenance

 CLOSED TODAY  |   Call us Monday at: 345 945-3876

Timely maintenance is more important than you think.

You have invested thousands of dollars in your vehicle, so it is in your best interest to see that your vehicle is maintained properly.

We encourage you to consider the following:

Maintaining your warranty:

Breaching the brand manufacturer outlined scheduled maintenance requirements (please refer to your vehicle manual), will void your warranty – plain and simple. Please pay close attention to the dash board warning lighted icons and systems, and call us if you have any questions. Your vehicle manual provides helpful information in this regard and will guide you to avoid further impairment in your vehicle.

Reduced repair costs:

Regular maintenance does not cost much, but unexpected repairs and replacements can be expensive. Engine and other vehicle components do not fail without a reason. Neglecting regular maintenance allows unnoticed minor problems to develop that can give rise to more significant costly repairs.

Increased safety:

Maintaining your vehicle regularly reduces the probability of a vehicle breakdown and disrupting your dependence on transportation. Checking the tyre treads and air pressures are important for your vehicle to have a strong grip on the road and ensure driving comfort.

Extend the life of your vehicle:

Performing regular maintenance allows preventative care that reduces wear and tear of the engine and other components that extends the life of your vehicle.

Contact Service

Please don't hesitate to direct your service questions to us! Fill out the simple form below and our technicians will get back to you.